Earthquakes Hazards in the UK

Compared to the rest of the world, the seismicity in the UK is low. According to UKOOG "On average, the UK experiences seismic events measuring 5 (felt by everyone nearby) every 20 years and events measuring 4 (felt by many people) every three to four years." 
I learned that the UK's largest earthquake "was near the Dogger Bank in 1931, with a magnitude of 6.1." Although the earthquake in 1931 was 60 miles offshore it was still able to cause major damage to buildings off the coast of England according to British Geological Survey. GBS also reports that "The most damaging UK earthquake was in the Colchester area in 1884. Some 1200 buildings needed repairs, chimneys collapsed and walls were cracked." 
Map showing UK earthquakes

BBC was asked why the UK does not get larger earthquakes? they answered  "Most earthquakes happen at the boundaries between the Earth's tectonic plates, where there is the largest amount of stress. The UK is located in the middle of the Eurasian tectonic plate, so is not subject to significant earthquake activity." As I learned last week since the UK is in the middle of the Eurasian plate it does not experience large earthquakes compared to other parts of the world; however, the UK is surrounded by numerous amounts of faults.

I was unable to find a lot of sources that talk about how the UK prepares for the possible affects of earthquakes. However, I found an article that talks about their unpreparedness in case of a possible disastrous earthquake. Express reports "BRITAIN is "not prepared" to deal with huge high magnitude earthquakes capable of wiping out scores of homes across the land, according to a leading UK seismologist." Dr Silvio De Angelis said it would be "disastrous" if an earthquake of magnitude 9 or higher was to hit the UK - and claimed British houses would not be able to withstand the force of such a catastrophic natural disaster." 
building damage following an earthquake
Dr, Silvio De Angelis then goes on to state that he doubts the UK would ever experience such a disastrous earthquake which is mainly why he knows how unprepared they are for one. He does say the results would be devestating if such a large earthquake would reach the UK. 


  1. It makes sense they don't use many resources to deal with a hazard that is not very frequent or dangerous overall...I bet they practice quake drills in school...

    1. I researched their drills and was unable to find any specifically from the United Kingdom. However, I have 3 friends who live in the United Kingdom and 2 of them said they have NEVER had an earthquake drill and have never experienced an earthquake which was shocking to me to find out since they do have faults. Very interesting.


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