Mass Wasting Hazards in the UK

The UK experiences heavy rainfall which often leads to flooding. Since flooding is one of the many causes of mass wasting, the UK often has to be aware of what hazards can come from heavy rainfall. Landslides are most common in the UK due to rain and floods. "Road, rail and telecoms are all potentially vulnerable to landslides. In certain cases critical infrastructure such as dams may be at risk" (BBC News). BBC News also mentions that "The worst recent landslide event in the UK was the Aberfan disaster of 1966, with over one hundred children killed." This tells us how severe and serious mass wasting is and how it's important to pay attention to how much rain is falling and keep updated with any potential hazards. 
Anchor Systems shares a great amount of knowledge on how to reduce the risks of landslides. One thing I learned from this article was that vegetation is a great way decrease the risk of a landslide. "Slopes with no vegetation or cover are especially vulnerable to erosion issues. The most effective, natural way to control soil erosion on slopes is to plant vegetation. Not only will vegetation help to slow down raindrops as they fall, the roots of the plants will also help to hold the soil together, making it harder for water to wash it away." This is beneficial because not only will it help slow the rain fall but it will also mean more plants! 
Another way the UK takes precautions is measuring, studying and reporting about previous landslides. According to the  British Geological Survey, "when a significant landslide is reported, the BGS Landslide Response Team (a core team of engineering geologists, geologists and geomorphologists who specialize in landslides) is sent to assess it. They collect data for the National Landslide Database to underpin scientific research, and provide local advice." This is important because they are paying attention to every detail of the slide and coming up with more ways to keep citizens informed and safe from future hazards. 


  1. Aberfan disaster of 1966, I never knew of such a tragic event that had happen to all those children. I can't even imagine such a tragedy. It's heartbreaking.

    New Zealand has the same way of thinking like the UK; vegetation. Which the citizens of New Zealand have learned that vegetation helps decrease erosion with the land. They would plant vegetation and trees in areas that will greatly benefit from this action. Which is pretty fascinating.

    I loved reading your blog! Great Job! :)


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