Extreme Weather in the UK

"Extreme weather is when a weather event is significantly different from the average or usual weather pattern and may occur over one day or a period of time. Flash flooding, drought, storms, cold spells and heatwaves are all examples of extreme weather in the UK"(Internet Geography). 
The United Kingdom experiences a number of different types of weather, which can often times be hazardous. Interesting to see the number of different extreme weathers they can experience because most people often think of the United Kingdom as always gloomy and rainy not hot and dry. Current Results shares that "The highest temperature ever officially recorded in the United Kingdom is 38.5 degrees Celsius (101.3 degrees Fahrenheit)." 

An example of extreme weather in the UK that happened most recently were the floods that occurred in February 2020. According to Floodlist, "The February 2020 Floods in the UK were the result of record-breaking rainfall on saturated grounds which led to extensive river flooding. Heavy rainfall was mainly associated with the three named storms of Ciara, Dennis and Jorge." These floods that occurred cost millions of dollars in damages. Floodlist also stated "Based on claims data collected from affected insurance companies, PERILS’ initial estimate of the insured property market loss for the February 2020 UK Floods is GBP 297 million (US$367 million). While an estimated 4,800 properties were damaged, many other locations were successfully protected by flood defences."



  1. our country's have similar extreme weather, both our country's have floods that occur due to heavy rainfall causing rivers down the main streets of town. overall grate post and looking forward to reading more post.

  2. Did you find how the help the population addressing this hazard?


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